Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Random Things.....

Sondre Lerche's Phantom Punch is such a good album.
I try not to listen to it all day but I find myself giving in to the fight and listening to it over and over.....in the car, at work, at home while I cook. I may have a Lerche problem.

SondreLerche.com explains why this album is so great:
On Phantom Punch Sondre Lerche & The Faces Down deliver music brimming over with unrestrained youthful energy. 11 powerful tracks, several recorded live in only one take, don’t forsake Lerche’s well renowned melodic gifts, but its concise solos and vigorous ensemble playing show us a band at the top of their game. “These songs are cut to the bone, not a second longer than they have to be,” Lerche explains. “And I didn’t want to be subtle this time around, I wanted every song to jump out of the speakers – punchy, concise pop songs, played with restless spirit.”

I haven't smoked in 58 days. It has been a real struggle, and don't get me wrong it was the right choice to make, seeing how i was so sick with bronchitis and all that hot noise. Each day does really get better. I was afraid I would turn into a hateful moody monster after I quit...
But things are good. Cold turkey is the way to go.
Going to be a busy weekend. Getting ready for turkey day, cleaning, mini golfing (great photos are to be had-I'm sure of it), painting all that good stuff.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I was featured on Etsy again!

Hot damn! Click on the image to view larger.

Monday, November 17, 2008

New Art! New Art!

All of the following canvases are 16" x 20".Smoking Frida isn't really new. I painted it a couple months ago-or longer. But I haven't photographed her yet.
I painted this Frida Saturday afternoon. Callies jokes around that I am going to wind up painting more portraits of Frida than Frida did. That's the goal. Just joking. Maybe.

Just finished this one last nite around 10 or so. The canvas was left over from Blue Dome and I had only completed the background spray painting. So after rummaging around in the closet for a canvas that already had a background done (to save time. I hate having to wait while the base coat dries...When you have an idea to paint it begins to lose its spark while waiting for the base paint to dry....), found this one and thought a chandelier would compliment it quite nicely.

I have really been inspired my Mike Giant lately thanks to Mark for introducing me to him. He creates art with a sharpie (he even has his own brand of Sharpie markers...!) So I decided to give Sharpie only art a try. This canvas was another left over canvas from blue dome. So I thought this cow really popped off the solid hot pink. And took no time at all. I think pre-priming canvases is the way to go from here on out...
Detail shot of the cow. I think I am going to go back on the "cut lines" and thicken them up. They almost disappear.

Mike Giant's gorgeous girl. I was really bummed when I stumbled upon this girl and she is not in print anywhere. I really wanted a poster or shirt...something. But there wasn't anything like that. So I decided to draw her in true Mike Giant style-with only a sharpie.
Good Lord. I don't know how he does it. After two hours of carefully drawing her out I was in a Sharpie coma almost. And had to put her down. But hopefully I will finish her soon. No gloves on mine. Wasn't crazy about them. But we shall see.Ryan isn't new either... But he had yet to be photographed. So I threw him in the pile while I was snapping away.

All and all a pretty good weekend. We went to Old Navy and scored on some sweet clearance clothes. I got an arm full of 2.99 shirts. I am thinking about going back to get some to screen on.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Dog Is Awesome

She's a little fuz ball
She practices MMA moves with James
She will hang out on the couch while I have Dexter marathons

She's so tiny, I use to carry her around in my skirt pockets when she was a pup

And shes totally my shadow
She is the perfect nap buddy

She's always happy. Look at that face

Shes my little ham
She is definitely a lover not a fighter. She always has a kiss ready to give.
Best 400 we ever spent.

Callie Turns 28

James and Callie played put put earlier that morning, unfortunately no photos exist. But Callie won. James claims he "let her win" since it was her birthday. Jury is out on that.

On the 7th Callie turned 28.
The pups helped us celebrate during my lunch break.
Man those presents look slick. I love wrapping presents, and therefore I chose my favorite color combinations: red & turquoise.
Even the wii reminded us. It gives you a heads up a couple days before too, and it suggest that you buy a present. Sneaky wii fit.

So I'm pretty sure this is the raddest photo of us in existence.
I think I see a frame in the near future for this awesome hot noise.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I intend to paint five new pieces this weekend, a goal of ten paintings a month. Got to get all stocked up for blue dome 2009....not to mention sprucing up my etsy shop.

Its been so nice out lately I might drag the easel outside.

Progress photos to follow.


The funniest thing I have seen in a long time.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


The best croquet goes on at nite. Tiki torches, mag flash light and a latern. I think we are ready to rock.
Preparing the slaughter grounds for our croquet match.
Callie goes first. We have a theory going that if you set the course then you have an advantage to win.
James went second.
Like our yard decor? Like that rusty bird bath with a broken squirrel in it that the previous renter gave us?
Here I am representin a bad ass hoodie....and looking a little deranged.
I am starting to think I was flim flammed....my mallet kept falling apart...
Nite rules. My hit totally counts! Woot!
James is wearing really nice dress shoe loafters and pajama pants. It was cracking me up the whole time.
My best friend is pigeon-toed. Just like my favorite singer.

Things weren't looking up for me on this game. Making a solid point on the advantage of Callie setting up the wickets.flim flammed. again!
Callie's victory stance.
All in all a good evening. Despite the loss.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Etsy shows me some love

Today I got an email saying that I was featured on Etsy. Exciting! Click on the image to see it larger in all its glory! http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=20584


Ryan Adams & The Cardinals Reschedule

I have been so busy lately...
But I have been snapping photos the whole time.
So expect a ridiculous amount of photos soon.

I am pretty excited.
It will be like an anniversary present for James & I.

This morning Foggy brings good news to all those who follow the Cardinals....

To purchase tickets:

Hot Damn!

And yesterday a little surprise finally arrived from Hollywood.
I havent opened it yet.... Pictures to follow shortly.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Like I said before, this is such an incredible time in our history and I feel so humbled to be a part of it. Even though in Oklahoma I was greatly out numbered in this red state, it doesn't matter. Things can only get better from here. James and I sat in bed last nite in awe while we watched President Obama deliver an incredible speech.

Change truly can happen.

We did it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Finally Time To Vote!

It truly is the best time to be alive...hands down.
This election is really important and I think its great that I was able to participate.

Here I am driving to get my vote on.
There were Obama signs everywhere driving to vote. I loved it.

Today was beautiful.
The trees are all turning, it's almost sweater weather-my most favorite time of the year.

Jack Black singing about the the gov'mnt...where he falls off the stage. But luckily there is a full Recovery Bon Jovi style!

Great voter photos...I really liked these.